
Our environmental responsibility  

For 2020/2030, CLAI Cooperative has planned an investment of more than 50 million euros under the banner of innovation and sustainable technology, first developing projects and initiatives geared toward saving resources and finding new ways of creating energy, such as renewable energy plants (e.g. photovoltaic and biogas installed in its factories). Later investments will lead the Cooperative to further improve production processes in response to the energy transition, from the biogas plant in the Sasso Morelli factory, to multipurpose rooms for training and R&D open to university students.

Let's plant the future

In 2022/23, a reforestation project was carried out in Sasso Morelli, around the historic park at Villa La Babina, CLAI's headquarters, with the planting of more than 3,000 plants over an area of more than 6 hectares.

A new stage in the path of environmental and human sustainability that is at the heart of the business development model and from which the quality and taste of CLAI's cured meats and cold cuts come. A project that is also a tangible sign of giving back to the territory with which the Cooperative has forged an extraordinary relationship over time.

Welfare: integral sustainability to the person 

CLAI recognizes the key role of human resources and the importance of establishing and maintaining relationships based on loyalty and mutual trust, valuing as much as possible the aspirations and abilities of its members and employees for the achievement of shared goals, offering both the option of converting the rewards given by its business results into goods and services, and the possibility of prevention screening through collaboration with the ANT association. CLAI is also committed to fostering professional growth and talent attraction, as well as ensuring equal opportunities for all workers within its system, where employees of 24 different nationalities coexist and where the female component of the workforce is 21%, with a total of 124 female employees.