Spicy Spianata


CLAI's Spianata Spicy CLAI is a cured meat with a distinctive orange color, an intense and persistent flavor, and a spicy taste that makes it unique.


  • Authenticity and tradition: CLAI's Spianata piccante is made according to Italian tradition, with ingredients such as fennel and chili peppers. This guarantees an authentic and rich flavor, inspired by the typical spicy cured meats of southern Italy such as spianata calabrese.

  • Quality ingredients: UNI EN ISO 22005:2008 certification ensures the origin of 100% Italian meat and the quality of raw materials. It is also free of gluten, milk and dairy products, making it suitable for those with specific dietary needs.

  • Distinctive taste and color: The orangey color and intense, lingering flavor of spianata spicy CLAI make it an unmistakable cured meat prized for its spicy taste, ideal for those who like sapori forti and decisive.
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Weight: 2.4 kg

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The "Spianata Piccante" has an orange color, an intense and persistent flavor, and a spicy taste. Fennel and chili peppers are present in the 100% Italian meat mixture, as per tradition. Gluten-free. Milk and dairy free. 100% Italian meat (UNI EN ISO 22005:2008 certification).

pork, salt, natural flavors, dextrose, spices, antioxidant: E301 (sodium ascorbate), preservatives: E252 (potassium nitrate), E250 (sodium nitrite).

Energia, 1407 kJ / 339 kcal
Grassi, 27 g
- di cui acidi grassi saturi, 10 g
Carboidrati, <0,5 g
- di cui zuccheri, <0,5 g
Proteine, 24 g
Sale, 4,4 g

Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto (riferimento <+25°C). Come ulteriore consiglio di conservazione di questi salami stagionati, specialmente quando iniziati, è di conservarli in frigorifero avvolti in uno straccio. Budello non edibile.

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