Napoli Salami


Typically from Campania, Clai "Napoli" salami has a light smoky aroma and a distinctive taste with smoky and spicy notes.


  • Authentic Campanian tradition: Naples salami par excellence, typical of the Campania region, is made with 100% Italian meat, guaranteeing high quality and traceability.

  • Authentic flavor: Characterized by a light smoky aroma, it offers a sweet flavor with smoky and spicy notes due to the use of peppercorns.

  • Tasty and versatile: Gluten- and lactose-free, Napoli salami is also suitable for those with food intolerances. Perfect for parties and celebrations.

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Weight: 1.3 kg

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Typical salami from Campania, historically considered a prized commodity consumed at festivals and celebrations. Salami "Napoli" has a deep red outer surface, a firm and non-elastic texture, a light smoky aroma, and a sweet and distinctive, slightly spicy flavor. In processing to 100% Italian meat, peppercorns are used. Gluten-free (authorization to use the "spiga sbarrata" mark of the A.I.C. - Italian Celiac Association). Without milk and dairy products. 100% Italian meat (UNI EN ISO 22005:2008 certification).

pork, salt, natural flavors, dextrose, spices, smoke flavor, antioxidant: E301 (sodium ascorbate), preservatives: E252 (potassium nitrate), E250 (sodium nitrite).

Energia, 1407 kJ / 339 kcal
Grassi, 27 g
- di cui acidi grassi saturi, 10 g
Carboidrati, <0,5 g
- di cui zuccheri, <0,5 g
Proteine, 24 g
Sale, 4,1 g

Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto (riferimento <+25°C). Come ulteriore consiglio di conservazione di questi salami stagionati, specialmente quando iniziati, è di conservarli in frigorifero avvolti in uno straccio. Budello non edibile.

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